Generating Change
through the Next Generation

You can empower Haitian children
to transform their lives and communities.

Two Haitian children in Teach Haiti school uniforms smiling and watering plants together with a green watering can in a sunny garden.







A Generation in Jeopardy

Over 500,000 children in Haiti are illiterate. Nearly one million are trapped in child slavery. For a nation gripped in poverty and plagued by instability, this leaves the future of an entire generation in jeopardy. But we believe it will be Haiti’s next generation who can be empowered to transform their nation… with your help.

Four Haitian children sitting in a boat, looking towards the camera, with a natural outdoor background.


Complete Transformation

Teach Haiti is raising up the generation which will transform the country from the inside out. Utilizing the Complete Education Model, we provide a holistic education based on a biblical worldview that invests in the sustainable success of students, families, communities, and the nation.

port au prince

Saint Michel

The Complete Education Model

Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence

Empowering the potential that is inside every child in Haiti, through a complete curriculum of Math, Science, English, Music, the Arts, and more.

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Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development

Empowering children through the hope of the Gospel and an education grounded in God’s truth and calling on their lives.

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Career Training

Career Training

Empowering students for sustainable success that elevates their communities through vocational training.

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Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Empowering a generation of godly leaders through character development curriculum based on biblical values.

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Cultural Influence

Cultural Influence

Empowering students to own their role in the transformation of Haiti through agricultural, economic, environmental, and spiritual initiatives.

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Stories of Life Change

Junior Joseph

Grade 13 Student

“One of my dreams is to become one of the main figures who brings about positive change in Haiti. With my faith as my guide, I am confident that, in the name of Jesus, we will achieve this goal.”

Rachelle Edouard

Grade 6 Student

“Teach Haiti is more than just a program; it is a transformative force that positively impacts the lives of many children through education. I take pride in being a part of it!”

Dieunel Dory

Brother of Graduate

“The foundation laid by Teach Haiti not only enabled my brother's success but also paved the way for me to pursue my dreams and educational goals.,”
“One of my dreams is to become one of the main figures who brings about positive change in Haiti. With my faith as my guide, I am confident that, in the name of Jesus, we will achieve this goal.”
“Teach Haiti is more than just a program; it is a transformative force that positively impacts the lives of many children through education. I take pride in being a part of it!”
“The foundation laid by Teach Haiti not only enabled my brother's success but also paved the way for me to pursue my dreams and educational goals.,”

Get to Know Haiti's Next Generation

Haiti’s children hold the key to generating the change of their nation – each child loved by God, filled with potential, and called to a life of purpose in Him.

Subscribe now to get to know the students of this regeneration and learn how you can make an impact with Teach Haiti.

How to Help


Your support empowers Haiti’s children to emerge from poverty through a complete education that transforms their lives.

Volunteer and Participate

Put your compassion into action when you partner with Teach Haiti. Whether here in Haiti or right from your home, there are plenty of ways to get involved!

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